Johnny Brenner – Sherman Oaks
Astrid comes over once a week to my home and it is the highlight of my week. My body is relaxed and my mind is serene.
Manny S. Granada Hills
My recovery has been excellent..
I recently have had two total knee replacement surgeries. My recovery has been excellent . Astrid of Valley Cellulite has made all the difference in the world. My recovery was speedy and complete. I couldn’t ask for any better results. Thank You -Astrid
Christina K. Los Angeles
Astrid Howe is a miracle worker, plain and simple. ..
Astrid Howe is a miracle worker, plain and simple. Cellulite is the curse of the women in my family, and both my mother and grandmother were riddled with it despite keeping extreme diet and exercise regimes .my grandmother was a model and extremely disciplined, but no tiny meals, spa visits or daily swims ever got rid of the cellulite. Ditto with my mother and 30 years of daily workouts. What does get rid of cellulite? In one word: ASTRID. I learned about old fashioned cellulite massage years ago in a european book, but never found anyone to practice it on me Every new technique I tried , including all those useless new suction machine techniques with the bodysuit, etc, not one of them worked and in fact they make the skin droopy. The creams are all rubbish as well.The only thing that works is HARD, deep, specific methods that break up the tissue deposits and release the toxins and whatever other nasty afterthoughts that are the products of genetics and bad eating. I was able for many years to somewhat practice the techniques on myself and keep this stuff at bay but then life caught up with me, and one day I looked in the mirror and said “‘ARGHHH!” I was covered in it, dimples from hips to knees and even on my arms. Well thank God I found Astrid one week before a romantic trip with a new boyfriend- within five treatments she has completely REMOVED the cellulite, and my butt looks like a teenager’s. I am so happy and would recommend this woman’s work all day long to anyone who wants to have a beautiful body. Also she is simply a great human who is terrific fun to spend time around. Thank you Astrid! Christina,